My Films

I am a self-taught filmmaker, having mostly learnt by analysing films, music videos, paintings and photographs in order to understand how they tell stories without words. For technical tips, I have also used YouTube tutorials. I have been using DaVinci Resolve 17 for 3 years and I primarily film with a Canon EOS M50 Mk.2.

The First Breath of Winter

I shot, edited and appeared in this video for my song The First Breath of Winter. I filmed most of the shots with a tripod or by propping-up my camera on other objects, over the course of a few days in London. A few additional shots were taken in Wales and I also drew from my archive to find some shots of Canada and the Alps. The aim was to create a world that doesn't really exist but evokes the romantic, fairy-tale feel of the song visually and also represents the branding and aesthetics of this project.

A Short Film about Coffee

I made this short video in 2023 to promote a piece I composed for my first album, titled Perpetual Sunrise. I filmed and edited it over one morning, with the objective of capturing the essence of how it feels to have your first coffee of the day. It was shot vertically as it was originally intended for TikTok and Instagram reels.

Where the

Night-Forests roam

This is another music video that I made for the Where's Piers? project. This film juxtaposes scenes from Canada (where the song is set), with live performances after my return to the UK. This creates a framing device in the narrative, which alternates between past and present. This video was edited from pre-existing footage taken from my time in Canada and also from Cambridge Folk Festival in the UK. My goal was to create a sense of nostalgia for a particular time and place, framed through the lens of live storytelling in the present.